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The school of Mount Pisgah is
where our children can explore, experience, and expand.

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As an educator with more than 20 years of experience in education and a mother of two children, it is a great honor to serve the students, staff, and community at Mount Pisgah as the principal.


Mount Pisgah's programs are based on our core values and philosophy. The school's systematic early immersion English education program is designed to cultivate fluency in the English language while fostering cognitive development within a high-quality educational environment. Our program not only

nurtures language proficiency but also encourages the development of essential cognitive and social skills. Moreover, we are dedicated to instilling the right values and attitudes in our students, emphasizing the importance of respect and empathy towards others as they grow and learn.

I am grateful to be on this journey with you because we cannot make it happen without you.

Best regards,

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Ashley Park, Principal

홈페이지의 올바른 표시를 위해 크롬사용을 권장합니다.

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since 2008

​(주)마운트피스가 어학원

사업자번호: 315-88-02887   등록번호: 3606

주소: 경기도 성남시 분당구 쇳골북로 22  |  문의: 031.716. 0556 

Office Hours: 9 am to 6 pm on MWF, 9 am to 5 pm on TTh

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​기업은행 이모아

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